At the Bean (Chicago Summer 2006)

At the Bean (Chicago Summer 2006)
That's me, in the middle, with my daughter, Irene, and my son-in-law, Michael. They got me started with blogging! Now I love it to keep in touch with family and friends.

December 6, 2008

Back to my old blog

I have not written for the longest time. The time slips so quickly, even faster, as you get older,or rather, as the time goes by, you get slower.
I just read my daughter's in law, Jane's her new blog:, where she mentions about my blogs, which and where I've written about my travels and our family cook book: under "".
I've just reviewed the recipes and comments, of my dear friends from Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida as well as members of my own family.
There are some changes in our lives: my dear daughter Irene, who was so instrumental in initialing these blogs, have moved to Austin, Texas.
Her husband, Michael, put his roots there pretty soon, by being the finalist in "Hatch chile pepper" recipe book.
Jean, became a wonderful mother of the two sweetest boys, thus making me a Greatgrandmother.
My dear daughter in law, Jane,has her blog:
introducing her new venture into Salish looms and her Llamas, whose fibers she uses for spinning and weaving on those looms.
Now,that Christmas is approaching, I have to go to our family's cook book: to review my own recipes,which I need in preparation for our special day called "Wigilja". I will provide that special red beet soup, called "barszcz" and have all members of our expanding family to lend the hand in making those "pierogi" . We have to make several stuffings, since some members of our family are vegeterians.
The beets were grown with tender, loving care by Jane in her garden at Red Horse Farm . Of course, the garden was also tended by Jane's other half, that is Stosh, who was tilling, disking and raking with the help of his tractor and applying the rich llama's manure, to have organically grown produce.
I will return to my "travels" blogging, but meanwhile you can view my photos in Flickr: Julia

May 29, 2008

Pecos River

On the way to famous Judge Bean Park we stopped by the tallest highway bridge over the Pecos River. There was no one to take our memento photos, so we set our cameras on the time setting, having fun to snap it in time.

Big Bend N.P.

I have visited Big Bend N.P. before, but this time it was especially meaningful to me, since my dear daughter Irene shared my enthusiasm and joy.
The lengthy train ride, arriving in Austin in the middle of the night did not dampen our spirits. We took off following day toward Del Rio,TX.
Our first visit was historic Seminole Canyon S.P.

April 16, 2008

On the way to Texas!

Spring finally arrived and the daffodils are smiling. Tomorrow I'll hop on the Amtrak to meet my daughter in Austin. Following day we will drive toward Big Bend National Park stopping to photograph interesting places like Seminole Canyon State Park and Judge Bean historic place, as the time will allow. Then Big Bend - with all its beauty and majesty.

April 10, 2008

Back in Madison

My dear travel companions, now that I am back in Madison and getting ready to go to Big Bend N.P. with my dear daughter, Irene, I will close this travelog to pack and get ready for my next photo adventure.

I will complete and edit my Costa Rica photos when I come back. Meanwhile you can click on the link: "My Trip to Costa Rica"on the right side of this page. Julia

April 6, 2008

Tropical birds

Arenal volcano

Joan got up at 4 AM and got this photo with the volcano spitting the fiery lava

Arenal National Park

After the drive through beautiful countryside we arrived at Arenal Observatory Lodge in the Arenal National Park.

Hotel Bogenvilla

Next day we were introduced to our Elderhostel's photo instructor and mentor, Monica, Jehudy, the guide and Jose-the driver.
we were in good hands!

Costa Rica

I arrived in San Jose's elegant hotel Bogenvilla greeted by my dear friend Danielle and presenting me with a fragnant magnolia blossom from the extensive and beautiful gardens.

March 10, 2008

Costa Rica

Daniele , my dear friend from Canada, has already arrived in Costa Rica and called me from the hotel. How exciting!
I am leaving tomorrow at 7 AM, going by bus from Madison to Chicago O'Hare, then fly American Airlines with the stop in Miami. Will arrive in San Jose, C.R @ 8.45 PM. See you soon, Daniele! Julia

February 19, 2008

Merciless winter

We beat the record! So far we had 86" of snow and the winter is not over yet. Shoveling the snow is a daily routine and the piles are getting hard to reach. Still three weeks till I'll leave for Costa Rica!

January 23, 2008

Winter's's grip

The Winter doesn't want to loose her grip. So far we had 52 inches of snow, and more is coming on Friday.

January 11, 2008

Winter in Wisconsin

Now that the Wisconsin winter showed herself much earlier and with the full force of record snow and cold, I clicked on the computer trying to find the programs on Elderhostel that will take me to the warmer climate, at least for a week or two.
Luck was on my side. I found the only one at this time of the winter, and it is in Costa Rica and it is photography! I'll be leaving on March 11 and returning March 21.

January 10, 2008

The Fall

The Fall could not be more spectacular than in the
Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
I took the opportunity to take a photo workshop in Arrowmont School of Arts in Gatlinburg, TN which is the gateway to the Park.
Taking my own car proved to be more comfortable and convenient.

January 8, 2008

Bandelier N.P..White Sands, Guadalupe N.P

On the way back to Austin, I stopped in Albuquerque, visiting my old friends, then on my "Memory Lane" I stopped in Bandelier N.P., White Sands, and Elephant Butte. Continuing my drive I stopped just to take some photos in the Guadalupe N.P. with it's majestic El Capitan.

Taos, Abiquiu and Santa Fe

My destination for the first leg of this trip was Abiquiu and Santa Fe, where I attended a photo program sponsored by Elderhostel to study Georgia O'Keefe's and other artists' and sculptresses' works. It was awesome and be inspired by the majesty of the red mountains, especially the reflection of Padernales, which O'Keefe called "her mountain".
On the way I stopped in Taos, N.M. at the historic La Hacienda de los Martinez enjoying in the yearly fiesta with a lot of arts and crafts of that region, Mexican music and food.