At the Bean (Chicago Summer 2006)

At the Bean (Chicago Summer 2006)
That's me, in the middle, with my daughter, Irene, and my son-in-law, Michael. They got me started with blogging! Now I love it to keep in touch with family and friends.

January 8, 2008

Taos, Abiquiu and Santa Fe

My destination for the first leg of this trip was Abiquiu and Santa Fe, where I attended a photo program sponsored by Elderhostel to study Georgia O'Keefe's and other artists' and sculptresses' works. It was awesome and be inspired by the majesty of the red mountains, especially the reflection of Padernales, which O'Keefe called "her mountain".
On the way I stopped in Taos, N.M. at the historic La Hacienda de los Martinez enjoying in the yearly fiesta with a lot of arts and crafts of that region, Mexican music and food.