At the Bean (Chicago Summer 2006)

At the Bean (Chicago Summer 2006)
That's me, in the middle, with my daughter, Irene, and my son-in-law, Michael. They got me started with blogging! Now I love it to keep in touch with family and friends.

December 6, 2008

Back to my old blog

I have not written for the longest time. The time slips so quickly, even faster, as you get older,or rather, as the time goes by, you get slower.
I just read my daughter's in law, Jane's her new blog:, where she mentions about my blogs, which and where I've written about my travels and our family cook book: under "".
I've just reviewed the recipes and comments, of my dear friends from Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida as well as members of my own family.
There are some changes in our lives: my dear daughter Irene, who was so instrumental in initialing these blogs, have moved to Austin, Texas.
Her husband, Michael, put his roots there pretty soon, by being the finalist in "Hatch chile pepper" recipe book.
Jean, became a wonderful mother of the two sweetest boys, thus making me a Greatgrandmother.
My dear daughter in law, Jane,has her blog:
introducing her new venture into Salish looms and her Llamas, whose fibers she uses for spinning and weaving on those looms.
Now,that Christmas is approaching, I have to go to our family's cook book: to review my own recipes,which I need in preparation for our special day called "Wigilja". I will provide that special red beet soup, called "barszcz" and have all members of our expanding family to lend the hand in making those "pierogi" . We have to make several stuffings, since some members of our family are vegeterians.
The beets were grown with tender, loving care by Jane in her garden at Red Horse Farm . Of course, the garden was also tended by Jane's other half, that is Stosh, who was tilling, disking and raking with the help of his tractor and applying the rich llama's manure, to have organically grown produce.
I will return to my "travels" blogging, but meanwhile you can view my photos in Flickr: Julia